The Dorothy Hohmann Family
Dorothy Jane Below was born March 28, 1923 at the Mahan House in Cullen. She met Albert Hohmann at Camp Breckinridge, KY, in December 1942, when Al, who was stationed there, walked into the PX where Dot worked. They married on February 12, 1943 and remained so until Al's death on December 12, 1986. They had 43 years and eight children together. Their infant son, Robert Christian, was born and died April 29, 1959.
Katy & Faron Fowler & John
806 Meadow Creek Dr.
Pflugerville, TX 78660
512-671-0405 (Katy)
512-217-4535 (Faron)
512-571-2720 (John)
Betsy Gardemal
355 Hoover Lane
Hemphill, TX 75948
409-719-2507 (cell)
​Jenny & Russell Harris
2709 Pegram Ave.
Austin, TX 78757
512-585-6158 (Jenny)
512-585-6156 (Russell)
​Andy & Cathy Hohmann
427 Private Road 7810
Buna, TX 77612
409-289-2070 (Andy)
409-289-2871 (Cathy)
​​Rusty Hohmann
1404-A Bergin Court
Georgetown, TX 78626
512-639-9081 (cell)
​Robbin & Claude Larson
mailing: P.O. Box 1755
Sausalito, CA 94966-1755
physical: 153 Bulkley Ave.
Sausalito, CA 94965
415-332-1076 (home)
415-306-3828 (cell)
Sarah & Johnny Ritter
8327 Century Oaks Lane
Silsbee, TX 77656
409-781-4802 (Sarah - cell)
Rachel Harris & Taylor De Lon
2215 E. 51st St. #222
Austin, TX 78723
512-363-6198 (Rachel)
Al “Buckshot” Hohmann
(Morgan, Laurel)
569 Private Rd 7810
Buna, TX 77612
409-289-3482 (home)
Honey & Jeremy Holifield
(Hannah, Courtney)
111 Lone Oak St
Portland, TX 78374
281-316-0205 (home)
Corbet & Ashley Ratcliff
(Hendrix, Sofia)
6229 Spokane Dr.
Fort Worth, TX 76179
682-472-9820 (Ashley)
James Ritter
409-659-1379 (home)
Erin & Aaron Tabor
(Leila, Cora)
623 S. 7th St
Nederland,TX 77627
409-718-5495 (home)